♥ 63%
2h01min | Sortie le 06 septembre 2018 | Royaume-Uni, États-Unis

Outlaw King : Le Roi hors-la-loi

Arrière-plan du film : Outlaw King : Le Roi hors-la-loi


David MacKenzie



Chris Pine

Robert Bruce, Earl of Carrick

Aaron Taylor-Johnson

James Douglas, Lord of Douglas

Florence Pugh

Elizabeth Burgh

Billy Howle

Edward, Prince of Wales

Sam Spruell

Aymer de Valence, Earl of Pembroke

Tony Curran

Angus Og Macdonald, Lord of Islay

Callan Mulvey

John III Comyn, Lord of Badenoch

James Cosmo

Robert Bruce Senior

Stephen Dillane

King Edward I of England

Steven Cree

Sir Christopher Seton

Duncan Lacroix

Henry de Percy, Baron Percy